The agency's Audit and Risk Committee provides independent advice and assurance to our CEO, assisting them to meet their duties and obligations regarding financial and performance reporting, risk oversight and management, and systems of internal control.

The members of our Audit and Risk Committee are listed below. 

The Audit and Risk Committee's Charter is available here.

Any queries can be directed to:

Audit and Risk Committee

SHEEHAN, Stephen (Chair)ChairSheehan Solutions Pty LtdFinancial Management, Certified Practicing Accountant, Public Administration



DirectorO'Connor PartnersPublic administration, governance, risk, work health and safety
MILLER, PetaDirectorPeta Miller WHS ConsultingPublic administration, policy development
HARRISON, JuliaDirector, Enterprise RiskDEWRRisk

Overview of the Audit and Risk Committee

Stephen Sheehan (Chair)

Stephen Sheehan is a Certified Practicing Accountant with a 40 year career in the public and private sectors in financial management, accounting, financial operations, performance reporting, audit and risk management and organisational governance. Stephen also sits on six other Public entity Audit Committees including the Murray Darling Basin Authority (also chair of their financial statements sub-committee), Comcare, IP Australia, the Australian Renewable Energy Agency and the Department of the House of Representatives.

Peta Miller

Dr Peta Miller is a senior human factors professional with over 40 years of experience within the public and private sectors developing and implementing strategic work health and safety (WHS) policy and practice and research translation.  Peta has extensive knowledge of the Australian WHS legislative framework and related national and jurisdictional policy development processes.