Guides for communicating about asbestos risk

Date created: Date modified: 6 Feb 2025

The Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency (ASEA) has launched the Guidelines for communicating asbestos risk to the public and the Communicating asbestos facts and figures guide (the guides), to ensure that asbestos information communicated to the Australian public is clear, consistent and evidence based.

These guides are for communicators in both government and non-government organisations.

As asbestos is a highly emotive issue that can quickly escalate and cause public alarm, it is important for communicators to know how to communicate the risk of harm effectively, to address and allay public concern.

The Guidelines for communicating asbestos risk to the public is a ‘how to’ for developing effective messages to prevent or respond to asbestos exposure.

The Communicating asbestos facts and figures guide has model language that can be used to communicate key facts and figures with the aim of achieving nationally consistent messaging.

These resources contain verified information about asbestos to remove variations in public information, which often acts as a barrier to achieving good public health outcomes.

Combined the guides will help communicators overcome the challenges involved in communicating about asbestos risks. 

The guides were developed in consultation with a broad range of stakeholders, including government departments, individuals, peak bodies, trade unions, victim support groups, industry and local councils. 

A stakeholder pack is also available to assist organisations who wish to promote the release of these guides to their network. This can be accessed here.