Asbestos National Strategic Plan Phase Three supporting materials
Development of the phase three Asbestos National Strategic Plan (ANSP) was supported by a range of ASEA research, evaluation and consultation activities during 2023. Ministers will be provided with the proposed phase three ANSP for approval, along with the following reports to inform their decision. The reports were considered by the Asbestos Safety and Eradication Council at their meeting of 8 November 2023. They have been published for information.
ASEA undertook an analysis of achievements against the 12 recommendations in the 2012 Asbestos Management Review Report. This report sets out the context in which each recommendation was made, actions taken to date, and the work still to be done. Some of the recommendations, for continuing or remaining actions, have been incorporated into the phase three ANSP.
ASEA collaborated with Urbis Pty Ltd to assess the costs and benefits of including proactive asbestos removal in the third phase ANSP. This is consistent with the intent of the three-phased strategy that was originally proposed. The results show clear economic and social benefits of improved regulatory frameworks and government incentives to safely increase proactive asbestos removal rates, that will prevent the death of up to 28,000 Australians from ARDs.
Details on the outcome of consultation can be found here.