Asbestos National Strategic Plan

The Asbestos National Strategic Plan provides a long-term, phased approach to eliminating asbestos-related diseases in Australia through nationally consistent and coordinated actions. It ensures that the Commonwealth, state and territory governments work cooperatively towards a common goal.

Putting the Asbestos National Strategic Plan into action

Phase one of the Asbestos National Strategic Plan went from 2014–2018 and focussed on establishing an evidence base to understand the asbestos legacy in our homes, workplaces and the environment. Phase two covered 2019-2023 and contained actions aimed at increasing awareness and supporting more effective management and removal of asbestos-containing materials. 

With approximately 6 million tonnes of ageing asbestos materials remaining in our built environment, the third phase Asbestos National Strategic Plan 2024-2030 is focussed on strategies that facilitate safe, proactive removal and disposal, including through enhanced regulatory frameworks and incentive programs. The Commonwealth and all state and territory governments have endorsed the Plan, representing a commitment by jurisdictions to continue the important work being undertaken nationally to address Australia’s deadly asbestos legacy.  

ASSEA supports governments in their implementation of the Plan by coordinating and monitoring their efforts, as well as reporting on their successes and challenges.  

Phase Three: Asbestos National Strategic Plan 2024-2030 

Asbestos National Strategic Plan 2024–2030

The Asbestos National Strategic Plan 2024-2030 was developed in consultation with a wide range of stakeholders, including all levels of government, unions, industry and asbestos support groups. The Plan has also been informed by the findings of an Economic Evaluation of Asbestos Management and Removal Options and an Analysis of the 2012 Asbestos Management Review Recommendations

This Plan has three aims: 

  • to eliminate asbestos-related diseases in Australia
  • to support workers and others who are affected by asbestos-related diseases, and
  • to be an international leader in securing a worldwide ban on the production and trade of asbestos. 

A national action plan supports each of the three aims.

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Phase Two: Asbestos National Strategic Plan 2019-2023

Asbestos National Strategic Plan 2019–2023

The Asbestos National Strategic Plan 2019-2023 focused its strategic actions under four national priorities:

  • Improve asbestos awareness to influence behavioural change
  • Identification and effective legacy management
  • Safe prioritised removal and effective waste management
  • International collaboration and leadership

ASSEA has prepared progress reports that examine achievements against nine national targets based on information provided by the Commonwealth, state and territory governments and relevant research undertaken by ASSEA. Progress reports highlight activities undertaken in relation to asbestos awareness, identification, prioritised removal, waste management, compliance and enforcement, as well as work to progress asbestos bans internationally. 

2021-2022 Progress Report 

During this reporting period, ASSEA achieved Target 9 by launching the National Residential Asbestos Heatmap, which assesses the probability of asbestos presence in the residential environment by geographic area, to inform government asbestos policy.

Asbestos National Strategic Plan Progress Report 2021–2022

Mid-term Progress Report 

This report outlines progress against the nine national targets from 2019 until June 2021. It acknowledges that implementation was interrupted due to the impact of the COVID pandemic which competed for government resources that may have been allocated to asbestos awareness and management.

Asbestos National Strategic Plan Mid-term Progress Report 2019–2023

Mid-term review of the Asbestos National Strategic Plan 2019-2023

A midpoint review was completed to ensure the Asbestos National Strategic Plan remains focussed and effective in achieving the aim of eliminating asbestos-related diseases in Australia. Overall, the review found that the Asbestos National Strategic Plan is an effective and necessary tool to coordinate asbestos actions nationally and within jurisdictions, but that some of the targets were difficult to measure.

Asbestos National Strategic Plan Mid-term Review Report 2019–2023  

Phase One: Asbestos National Strategic Plan 2014–2018

Asbestos National Strategic Plan 2014–2018

During the first phase of the Asbestos National Strategic Plan, annual progress reports were published which detailed the activities undertaken by state, territory and Australian Government agencies.

A total of 126 activities were reported as completed and over 60 activities continued into the next phase of the plan, demonstrating active engagement in the awareness and management of asbestos. While progress was made, the extent of Australia’s harmful asbestos legacy meant that more work was required to secure ongoing effective legacy management.

Asbestos National Strategic Plan 2014–2018 Final Report

Asbestos National Strategic Plan Progress Report 2017–2018

Asbestos National Strategic Plan Progress Report 2016–2017

Asbestos National Strategic Plan Progress Report 2015–2016